Avichai's Second Single: 'Knocking on Your Door'

Avichai is getting closer to his debut album and releases a second single, expressing yearning for the Creator of the World. Listen

  • פורסם י"ד כסלו התשפ"ה

Lyrics of the Song:

Talk to me

Tell me to come

Calling you

Don't tell me no

What was, is erased

Hug me tight


If I lose you

I'll lose myself

I am part of you in my soul

If this day ends

Hug me tomorrow


Come to me like the sun

Because my heart has frozen

Come to me like rain

I am made of earth


Again, I'm knocking on your door

Because I have no other place in the world

And if you open

You'll take away my pain

To you, my soul blows


And sometimes it feels a bit late

As if too much time has passed

I'm a big man already

Inside, a little child


Looking for you, looking for me

Looking for a little food for my soul

You want me strong

And if something in me cracks


Then come to me like the sun

And calm every storm in me

I'm tired of the rain

I am wind and soul.

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