Economy News

Poverty Report 2024: Over a Million Children in Israel Are Defined as Poor

The report points to an increase of 150,000 people in the poverty cycle and concerns about the wide range of families and children living in severe economic distress.

(Photo: shutterstock)(Photo: shutterstock)

The alternative poverty report by the organization 'Latet' reveals a worrying picture of the poverty situation in Israel, with a significant increase in the number of families and children living in financial distress.

The report, published this morning (Monday), shows that in the past year, 150,000 people have joined the poverty circle, and a fifth of the families in Israel live in severe food insecurity.

According to the report, 678,200 families (22.3%) and 2,756,000 people (28.7%) live in poverty in Israel, of which 1,240,000 are children (39.6%).

According to the National Insurance, the poverty line is an income of 4,105 shekels per person and 10,508 shekels for a household of 4 people.

On the other hand, the alternative index defines poverty as "a state of significant lack relative to the needs and living conditions essential for basic existence."

According to the alternative report, the minimum cost of living in Israel in 2024 is 5,355 shekels per person, and about 13,617 shekels for a household with 2 adults and a child. This represents an increase of 5.5% and 6.9% respectively compared to last year.

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