5 Things You Didn't Know You Can Do With Wrapping Paper

Wrapping paper is much more than a one-time use product. Next time you receive a gift, don't rush to throw it away—keep it for creative projects that will make your home more special. All you need is a little imagination and free hands.

(Photo: shutterstock)(Photo: shutterstock)

Wrapping paper usually becomes leftover after holidays, birthdays, or special gifts. But instead of tossing it away, there are countless creative uses that can add color, beauty, and utility to your home. Here are 5 ideas you might not have thought of.

1. Drawer Decoration

Cut the paper to fit the size of your drawers. This will upgrade the interior look of the drawer and protect the base from scratches and dirt.

2. Making Envelopes

Colorful wrapping paper is a great material for making handmade envelopes for letters or special greeting cards.

3. Table Decoration

Turn colorful wrapping paper into a unique table runner for special events. Place it in the center of the table for a festive and fun atmosphere.

4. Creating Mobiles

Cut the paper into different shapes like stars or butterflies and thread them onto strings to create colorful mobiles for children's rooms.

5. Wall Design

Use wrapping paper with special prints to design part of the wall in a room—like a corkboard, picture frame, or decorative corner.

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תגיות:wrapping paper creative projects home decor

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