Rafael Maras in a Debut Single: 'Only with Faith'

Rafael Maras releases a special debut single for Chanukah. Watch the lyric video.



Many exiles have our souls already known

Pharaoh's army and all his descendants sought to overcome us

To the holy land after years we arrived

Another oppressor and another tyrant at the end of seventy we were saved

'These candles we light'

Only with faith we see miracles today

Not in a dream and not in a vision

In those days at this time

Haman cast lots and his advice was thwarted

Mordechai became the king's second and things turned for the good

When Greeks jumped on me and breached the walls of our sanctity

From one small pure jug many miracles we saw

'Reveal Your holy arm because salvation has grown long'

And bring out from distress already Your children

And just like in those days, show us miracles

Bring us close and shine Your face.

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תגיות:Chanukah Faith

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