Kedushat Levi on Parashat Vayigash: A Short D'var Torah to Elevate Your Shabbat Table

Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev in his commentary "Kedushat Levi" on the weekly Torah portions: Strengthening insights in serving Hashem and fascinating innovations to illuminate your Shabbat table. This time – Parashat Vayigash.


'I will go down with you to Egypt, and I will surely bring you up again; and Joseph will put his hand on your eyes.' (Genesis 46:4)


The words of Kedushat Levi in his commentary on the verse are directed towards a fundamental principle in serving Hashem: A person who truly serves Hashem must always feel that he has not yet reached perfection or full understanding of the greatness of the Creator, and that there is still much more to ascend and elevate.

Even when a person is on a high level, he must recognize that the greatness of Hashem is infinite, and it is impossible to fully comprehend Hashem.

This is reminiscent of the humility of Moshe Rabbeinu, of whom it is said, 'And the man Moshe was very humble' (Numbers 12:3). Moshe, even though he was on a very high spiritual level, felt he was still far from complete understanding.

'In another way, it can be explained that a person who truly serves Hashem will always think that he is not yet understanding the greatness of the Creator at all and hasn't even begun to know Him. This is the truth, as it is written (Numbers 12:3) and the man Moshe was very humble, etc.'

In other words, the expression 'I will surely bring you up again' emphasizes that even when you are on a high level, there is a need to ascend even higher. Serving Hashem never ends at a certain level; it is infinite and requires constant advancement, and a person must always aspire to reach higher levels.


Humility as a Catalyst for Progress

The feeling that a person is still far from understanding Hashem is what leads him to continue working and elevating.

Serving Hashem is defined as an endless process because a person can always discover new depths in his relationship with the Creator and in the spiritual levels he achieves.

'And this is I will take you up, even when you are on a great level also go up, it will always occur to your thoughts also go up, that you always need to ascend to greater levels one above the other, because serving Hashem, blessed be He, is infinite.'

Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev teaches us that there is always room for advancement in serving Hashem. Even if a person thinks he has already reached a high level, he must remember that there are still infinite heights to achieve, and his understanding of the greatness of Hashem is never complete. This awareness, along with a sense of humility, is the correct way to draw closer to Hashem.

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תגיות:Humility Kedushat Levi Shabbat

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