Alarms in Central and Coastal Plain: Ballistic Missile Intercepted from Yemen

Alarms were activated in dozens of communities in central and coastal Israel following the launch of a ballistic missile from Yemen. An IDF spokesperson updated that the missile was successfully intercepted.

'Arrow 3' (Photo: Ministry of Defense Spokesperson)'Arrow 3' (Photo: Ministry of Defense Spokesperson)

Alarms were activated this evening (Monday) in dozens of communities and cities in central Israel, the coastal plain, and the Judean lowlands following the launch of a ballistic missile from Yemen.

An IDF spokesperson later stated that the Air Force intercepted a missile launched from Yemen: "The missile was intercepted before crossing into the country's territory, and warnings were activated due to the risk of falling interception debris."

MDA updated that "no calls were received regarding casualties except for cases of anxiety and people who were injured on their way to a shelter."

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תגיות:Missile interception IDF

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