Heals the Soul and Proven by Research: 3 Reasons to Plan Coffee with a Friend Today

We all know this: A friend suggests meeting up after a long time apart. You hesitate, thinking about the chores waiting for you at home or the exhausting workday you've had. Before you decline, we've gathered 3 scientifically backed reasons to show you there's nothing better than meeting with a friend. Shines a light.


Sometimes, it feels like our lives are an endless cycle of chores. Who among us doesn't have a detailed list, in their head or on paper, of everything they need to do today at work and home? Many women are in a constant state of stress and pressure, looking for a solution to the suffocating feeling.

It turns out the solution is within your reach and simpler than you thought: meeting and talking with a friend. Studies prove that strong relationships between women help build a sense of belonging and meaning. They give you a place to unload what's on your heart, to listen, and to receive mutual support. It's not just an escape from routine, but also a way to remind yourself who you really are, beyond your daily roles as a mother, worker, or wife. How does it work?

  1. The Magic of Friendship

Many studies indicate that social relationships have a positive impact on our physical and mental health. A study published in Journal of Health and Social Behavior found that supportive relationships reduce the risk of depression and improve mood, especially among women. The researchers explained that social connections provide a sense of belonging and emotional security, contributing to overall well-being.

  1. Friends are Psychological Therapy

Additionally, research published in Psychological Science showed that talking with friends about emotional challenges significantly reduces feelings of stress and anxiety. Essentially, a conversation with a good friend is like free psychological therapy: you get support, empathy, and sometimes a new perspective.

Why Is This Especially True for Women?

Women tend to use conversations with friends as a way to deal with stressful situations. This phenomenon, known as "tend and befriend", is supported by research that examines differences in stress responses between men and women. While men tend to "fight or flight", women respond by strengthening social bonds.

  1. Going Out with Friends? You're Healthier

Don't believe it? Another study published in Harvard Women’s Health Watch found that women who keep up social connections have a reduced risk of heart disease and high blood pressure. Why? Because laughter, sharing, and even the simplest conversation contribute to lowering levels of the hormone cortisol, which is responsible for feelings of stress.

And what about our sources? Judaism doesn't need studies to show us how necessary a good and attentive friend is for a good life. King Solomon, the wisest of all men, wrote in the Book of Proverbs: 'Anxiety in the heart of man weighs it down' (Proverbs 12:25), and the Sages taught that the way to ease worries is through sharing and conversing with others. Talking with a friend not only gladdens the heart but also eases a heavy burden. So the next time a friend invites you out, just say yes. Not only will you feel better – you'll get a boost of physical and mental health.

Loved it? Pass it on to a friend who never has time to meet and plan with her today.

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תגיות:Friendship Stress Relief Women's Health

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