What Is Hidden in the Chanukah Candlelight? The Advice That Will Help You See Miracles Every Day

Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev on the ability to feel the miracles happening at this time: 'Just as miracles happened in those days - so they happen in our time.'

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The Daily Quote

'We say on Chanukah: 'For the miracles and the wonders which You performed for our ancestors in those days at this time,'

meaning, just as miracles happened in those days – so they happen at this time,

however, for a person to feel the supernatural miracle, it is necessary for them to elevate themselves to a high level beyond the natural, this is realized through lighting the candles.''

(Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev).


The Meaning of the Quote

Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev emphasizes in the quote the connection between the miracles that happened in the past and the ability to experience miracles in the present. He refers to the statement "in those days at this time" to show that miracles are not limited to the past alone but also occur today, in our reality. Thus, he teaches us that our reality is filled with miracles, but in order to recognize them, we must develop a special consciousness.

The ability to feel the supernatural miracles depends on the inner effort and spirituality of a person. To recognize and experience the miracle, a person must rise above the everyday and the "natural" level to a higher spiritual reality. This state is not self-evident; it requires a person to strive and open their heart and soul to an experience that is beyond the material and familiar.

According to Rabbi Levi Yitzchak, lighting the Chanukah candles is the tool that allows this elevation. The light they emit is not just physical light but divine light, symbolizing a deep connection to spirituality and the power of the miracle. Experiencing the miracle requires a person to open up to this light, and when they do so, they can recognize Hashem's hand accompanying them even in the darkest times.

Chanukah, according to his words, is not just a historical memory but an opportunity to experience the miracle personally and tangibly in our time. Lighting the candles is not just a symbolic action, but a means to transcend the limitations of nature and open a pathway to the sense of miracle in our lives.


A Few Words About the Author

Rabbi Levi Yitzchak of Berditchev (1st of Sivan, 5500 - 25th of Tishrei, 5570), one of the great Chasidic Rebbes, author of the book "Kedushat Levi." Known by the nickname "The Advocate of Israel." He was renowned for his greatness in Torah, both revealed and hidden, and led a yeshiva where the Torah of the revealed was studied. Additionally, he was known for his righteousness, sanctity, and great enthusiasm in serving Hashem. Most of all, he was known as "The Advocate of Israel" due to his love for Israel and his special way of advocating for every Jew - even sinners and wrongdoers - and defending them before the Creator.

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תגיות:Chanukah Miracles Spirituality

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