Don’t Miss: The Mitzvah That Brings Endless Reward Without Moving

The 'Pele Yoetz' on the mitzvah that can be performed anytime, anywhere: 'At every moment you remember to fear Hashem, you fulfill a Torah commandment'

  • פורסם י"ד כסלו התשפ"ה
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The Daily Quote

"A fundamental principle in everything holy is effort and diligence. It is known that the mitzvah to fear Hashem, the honored and awesome, is one of the 613 mitzvot, and it is great and constant, because at every moment you remember to fear Hashem, you fulfill a Torah commandment.

And this is one of the things a person can never say at any moment that he wanted to do a mitzvah but has no opportunity, because there are mitzvot that depend on thought and remembrance which he can always fulfill. Whether sitting at home, walking on the road, in company, or busy with his work, he should not turn his heart to idleness, but think pure thoughts, and thus fulfill mitzvot, and Hashem sets the reward for him."

(Pele Yoetz, entry "fear")

Meaning of the Quote

The words of the 'Pele Yoetz' are based on a central and deep concept in the service of Hashem, which is the enormous value of effort and diligence in sacred work.

The 'Pele Yoetz' emphasizes that the mitzvah to fear Hashem is one of the 613 mitzvot, and not just any mitzvah, but a significant and great one because it is constant. That is, in every moment a person remembers to fear Hashem, he fulfills a Torah commandment. By this, he teaches us that the mitzvah of fear is not limited to a specific time, action, or situation, but can always accompany a person.

The 'Pele Yoetz' highlights here an essential principle: while there are mitzvot tied to specific situations or actions, fear (as well as other cognitive mitzvot) is not limited to time, place, or circumstances. A person always has the opportunity to fulfill it, regardless of his external actions.

For example:

When sitting at home: when a person is at home, he can direct his heart to thoughts of fearing Hashem.

When walking on the road: even when moving from place to place, it doesn’t prevent him from remembering Hashem and feeling reverence toward Him.

In company or business: even when occupied with daily life or engaged in trade, he has the opportunity to think pure thoughts and remember Hashem.

The 'Pele Yoetz' stresses that fear does not depend on physical action but on thought and remembrance. The moment a person focuses his thoughts on purity, remembering Hashem, fearing Him, or loving Him, he is fulfilling a mitzvah. Moreover, these thoughts do not require special physical effort or a significant change in daily routine.

Hashem, in His mercy and love for His creatures, grants a reward to a person for pure thoughts. Even though a person might be busy with other matters, the mere ability to focus his thoughts and fulfill cognitive mitzvot is a great merit in itself.

The words of the 'Pele Yoetz' teach us that there is no moment in life when a person is disconnected from the ability to serve Hashem. Even in moments when he is occupied or seems far from serving, he can fulfill mitzvot through thought. This work requires awareness and determination, but its reward is very great.

Ultimately, the 'Pele Yoetz' instills an understanding in a person that holiness is within reach at all times, and he should take advantage of every opportunity at every moment to draw closer to Hashem.

The Verse That Changes Lives: How to Remember Hashem Every Moment?

A Few Words About the Author

Rabbi Eliezer ben Rabbi Yitzchak Papo passed away around 197 years ago (1786 – 11 October 1827) and was a renowned halachic decisor and Kabbalist. He authored several books, the most famous being the ethical book 'Pele Yoetz,' which also earned him the nickname 'Pele Yoetz.' The rabbi served as the rabbi of the Sephardic community in Silistra, Bulgaria, and later served for a certain period as the head of the Sephardic community in Bucharest, the capital of Wallachia. Among his other works are 'Elef HaMagen,' 'Chesed LaAlafim,' and 'Beit Tefila.'

Rabbi Zamir Cohen - Messages for Life from Pirkei Avot: Fear of Heaven. Watch

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